I love to record a moment. Life personified. An emotion, the way the light falls. In a press of a button, it can be captured forever. Sealed.
I have been photographing 'Grannies' in the street since 2001. I am always drawn to someone with individual and unique style.
One of my passions are car boot sales and I have set out to record what people buy and why. See more on myblog.
The children of Bolivia is a series of photographs I took while I was doing an environmental project in South America in 2009. There is never a moment when I do not see something beautiful to photograph.

The Car Boot Series

The Grannie Collection

Children of Bolivia

The Kissing Series

I worked in Bolivia in 2009, setting up an environmental project, where we made headdresses out of rubbish collected in the hillside of Cochabamba. I then created a series of Portraits, where they wore their own creation, or someone elses, too embarrassed to be photographed.